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Engaging with communities

We develop our parks with a fundamental respect for the local communities that will become our neighbours for the next 30-40 years.

Children and adults sowing seeds near Viuf-Håstrup Solar Park

Collaboration is key

Large-scale renewable energy parks take up space. That's why it's important for us to ensure good collaboration with local landowners, neighbours, communities and municipalities.

It is our responsibility to create understanding and acceptance for our parks, and how they benefit the region.


Setting better standards

Access to land and gaining local acceptance is fundamental to the development of our renewable energy projects. Over the last decade we have dedicated significant resources to setting new and better standards for community engagement when developing solar and hybrid parks.

How we work with community engagement

To address local concerns and ensure support, we engage with the local communities very early in the process and maintain this engagement throughout the development and construction phases, as well as when the parks are operational.

Bringing more value through larger scale

The bigger we build, the more value we can bring to regions and local communities. This requires a tailored approach to developing each large-scale project, including the identification of relevant multifunctional land use, such as nature restoration and recreational areas.


Recreational initiatives

Solar parks can be designed to add recreational and nature value for the local communities. These designs and initiatives are developed in collaboration with locals citizens and municipalities to customise solutions fit for them and the specific area. In several parks, we are designing hiking or walking trails and shelters that are accessible to the public.